Why your visitor visa was refused

Whenever a visa refusal is received this is always devastating news for the applicant. However, receiving a refusal for a visitor visa is always somehow even more infuriating because it’s just for a visit, right? Why would the Department refuse an applicant the chance just to visit this beautiful country, if only for a few [...]

By |November 10th, 2018|General news|Comments Off on Why your visitor visa was refused

Relationship Breakdowns & Partner Visas

Did you know that in some limited circumstances, even if the relationship between an applicant and their sponsoring partner breaks down, the applicant may still be able to obtain an Australian partner visa? In some cases, this is even possible after a divorce.   What is a Partner Visa? In a broad overview of how [...]

By |October 10th, 2018|General news|Comments Off on Relationship Breakdowns & Partner Visas

Partner Visa Applications for relationships shorter than 12 months

Making the decision to apply for an Australian partner visa is an exciting time for a couple, however it can often feel like a frustrating waiting game. Compared to many other Australian visas, the rules surrounding partner visas can seem bewilderingly complex and strict. Many people are together less than 12 months when they make [...]

By |September 18th, 2018|General news|Comments Off on Partner Visa Applications for relationships shorter than 12 months

What is PIC 4020?

Take care in submitting your visa application Apart from concerning yourself with whether you meet the relevant skills, language or other criteria necessary to be granted a particular Australian visa, you must also ensure you do not fall foul of the specific requirements known as Public Interest Criteria. These criteria are meant to benefit Australian [...]

By |August 10th, 2018|General news|Comments Off on What is PIC 4020?

Immigration Lawyer Vs Migration Agent

Which type of immigration consultant will help me achieve the best outcome for my application? So you have made the big decision to migrate to Australia, maybe to work, study or just to experience Australia’s beautiful sights. Now it is time to start the application process and make the choice about how you will handle [...]

By |July 10th, 2018|General news|Comments Off on Immigration Lawyer Vs Migration Agent

Character test for Australian partner visas

Are you able to satisfy the character test? If not, your Australian visa application may be refused. If you already hold an Australian visa, it may even be cancelled. The cancellation of Australian visas on the grounds of ‘character’ has increased since December 2014, when the Australian government amended its immigration law. More than half [...]

By |June 10th, 2018|General news|Comments Off on Character test for Australian partner visas

Student Struggles – The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Requirement

The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement is placed on all student visa applications and can prove to be a difficult hurdle to jump for many applicants, especially those from high-risk countries. What is the GTE requirement? The GTE requirement must be met by all applicants applying for an Australian student visa, as well as other [...]

By |May 10th, 2018|General news|Comments Off on Student Struggles – The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Requirement

Sponsoring overseas workers?

SAF Levy & Updated LMT Requirements Are you thinking about sponsoring overseas employees to work for your business in Australia? Make sure you are up-to-date with important changes and new requirements, as this area of migration law has undergone a recent overhaul. On 12 August 2018, an update regarding the new Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) levy [...]

By |April 10th, 2018|General news|Comments Off on Sponsoring overseas workers?

Australian Government Budget Cuts Repeals A Class of Immigration Visas

With the recent budget cut taking effect, there has been little focus on the Government’s new visa laws. Very recently, four visa subclasses have been repealed, with the Government discontinuing several types of family visa subclasses. There will be a repeal of the Parent Visa (non-contributory); Aged Parent Visa; Aged Dependent Relative Visa; Remaining Relative [...]

The Role of Multiculturalism & Migration towards Australia’s Lifestyle

Over the past few decades, there has been a steady increase in the number of migrants coming into Australia. Since Australia became a federation in 1901, our population has increased over five fold, growing from a population of approximately four million to 22.3 million in 2011. Overall, this has contributed significantly to shaping modern-day Australia [...]

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