So you have decided to come to Australia – WELCOME TO PARADISE! Whether you are here to visit the Sydney Opera House, attempt to ride a kangaroo or just want to relax on our gorgeous golden beaches, it is essential that you know some important things about applying for an Australian visa.

Firstly, there are many visas that may be suitable for your trip. If you wish to travel around the country and just enjoy the Australian landmarks without needing to find a job here, a tourist visa would be the one to choose. The following subclasses are elements of tourist visas:

Electronic Travel Authority (Subclass 601)

A 601 is an electronically stored authority for short-term visits to Australia for tourism or business purposes of up to 3 months. To be eligible, you must have a passport from a verified country or region outside of Australia.

eVisitors (Subclass 651)

The eVisitor visa is an electronically stored authority for visits to Australia for tourism or business purposes for up to 3 months. This type of visa is only available to passport holders from the European Union and a number of other European countries. You also need to be outside of Australia at the time of the application.

Visitor Visa (Subclass 600)

This Visa is very popular with tourists. This is a temporary visa allowing a stay in Australia of up to 3, 6 or 12 months. Applicants can apply from both outside and in Australia. Some tourists or business visitors are eligible to lodge an online application for an e600 Tourist visa.

Once you have applied for your visa, there are a few details that are important to remember. Firstly, your expiration date is vital. Should you get carried away with your Australian adventure and overstay your visit, the consequences are harsh. This is a very serious matter, as you become an ‘unlawful non-citizen’ in Australia. This means that:

  • You may be detained and removed from Australia
  • You may be liable to pay the Australian Government for the cost of removing you from Australia
  • You could be banned from returning to Australia for up to three years. This is called a re-entry ban.

If this does or has happened to you, there are avenues you may turn to. If your visa has now expired, you can contact the Community Status Resolution Service (CSRS) anonymously and they will assist you with basic information.

If there are mitigating circumstances that affects your stay while you are in Australia and thus stay over your welcome date, you should contact an immigration officer as soon as you are able to. You can also contact Results Migration if you wish to talk in more detail about your situation.

If by chance you fall in love with our country (we love you too!), there are a few options that may allow you to extend your stay. In this instance, you would need to obtain another visa. If you just haven’t seen enough of the country, you may apply for another Visitor visa. With this visa, you may only extend your stay in Australia so that the total duration of your stay is no longer than 12 months. This applies to a Working Holiday visa as well, unless there are special circumstances. If your visa expiration allows you to stay for 12 months, you should contact your Australian visa office before applying for a new visa. If you are granted another visa, you are welcome to stay in Australia for the proposed time frame between the new expiration. If however the visa application is refused, you must leave Australia before the time of your original visa expiry.

If you are faced with an expiring visa issue or are not sure which visa to apply for, you can contact us here at Results Migration for a helping hand. We hope you have a great time in Australia!